About Us

Our Story

The Open Shop Channel was started in March 2018, with the goal to revive the Wii Shop Channel before its planned discontinuation. The original plan for the project was to make a Wii Shop Channel replacement, But over time, our focus went towards providing a general open source repository of apps.

Open Shop Channel: A team effort


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Project Lead - @Artuto

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Former Project Lead - @dhtdht020

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Maintainer - @darkphoenix10ok

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Maintainer - @ramblecube

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Former Maintainer - joscomputing.space

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Former Designer

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Provided some of the iconography used in this website - icons8.com

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Sponsoring IDEs used by the team - www.jetbrains.com

...And you!

Thank you to all project contributors and donors, which helped us create the Open Shop Channel!

Project Timeline


March 2018

The Open Shop Channel project is launched, with the goal to restore functionality of the Wii Shop Channel.

August 2019

The Open Shop Channel begins providing a repository to replace the one in the Homebrew Browser, with more up to date applications and a larger variety of content.

Download Homebrew Browser

April 2020

Open Shop Channel Downloader, also known as OSCDL, was released. It allows downloading content from the Open Shop Channel on desktop computers, as well as wirelessly sending apps to Wii systems on the same network.

Download OSCDL

October 2020

The public Open Shop Channel API has been released, allowing everyone to make use of Open Shop Channel's services and library directly, and provide custom services and clients making use of it.

View Documentation

November 2021

The Open Shop Channel release a new online library, making use of its public API to provide a convenient location to download apps from the Open Shop Channel.

Browse Library

August 2023

Our new infrastructure, backend and repository system, "Repository Manager", is released, fully open sourcing the repository's contents'.

View Documentation

Who is Danbo?

Danbo on a Yamaha Organ

Danbo is a fictional cardboard character originating from the Kiyohiko Azuma manga series, "Yotsuba&!". We personally love it and have decided to feature it in several pages on this website.

Physical copies of Yotsuba&! can be purchased here, from the author on Book Depository.

We recommend buying and reading the entire series, it's amazing. Danbo makes an appearance on volumes 5 and 10.

Photo: Danbo on a Yamaha Organ by Jem Sahagun.
Website by dhtdht020.
Some of the icons and assets on this website are provided by Icons8.

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